smartpattern sewing instructions for sewing slit with zipper in denim pants

Sew fly with zipper in jeans trousers #Z02

In the following article, I explain step by step via video and illustrated text instructions how you can sew a fly with zipper on a pair of jeans. The fly is worked into the left center front and has an underlap on the right side. I wish you every success!

Video instructions:

The video instructions are currently only available in German. Via settings you can have YouTube display the subtitles in your language of choice.

Pattern pieces made from outer fabric:

  • Front pieces (VH) – 1 pair
  • fly facing (ZB) – 1 x
  • fly underlay (ZU) – 1 x

Paper pattern pieces

  • Front pieces (VH)

Tools and materials:

  • the template for the slit stitching out of paper (P-SZ)
  • 1 zipper (see instructions or pattern for required length)
  • Pins and/or clips
  • Hand shears
  • Tailor’s chalk or marking pen
  • Ruler

2. Produce fly underlay

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper for jeans
Cut part slit underlap

I fold the bottom of the slit in half lengthwise, right sides together, and sew the slanted bottom edge (below the notch) with a seam width of 10 mm.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - turn and iron slit bottom edge
Turn under the slit and iron

Then I turn the piece over and iron it in half from the outside.

3. Sew and turn fly facing

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - trimming the left front edge
Trim left front edge

Now I overlock the front edge of the left front piece with the fly facing. First, I shorten the front edge on the left center front piece by 7 mm.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - place slit facing on front trousers
Place the slash facing on the front trousers

I now place the left fly facing on this edge, flush from the top, right to right, pin it in place and mark the end of the slit at the notch mark. Until then, I topstitch the pieces together with a straight stitch at a seam width of 10 mm. I secure the slit end with forward and backward stitches.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - notch end of slit on facing and front part
Clip in the slit end on the facing and front piece

I cut the seam allowance until just before the last stitch.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - sewn-on slit facing with topstitched seam
sewn-on slit cover with topstitched seam

Before I turn the facing, I press over the seam allowance. You can now topstitch them down on the facing side with a 2 mm gap or topstitch them in the next step using contrasting thread.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on a pair of jeans - ironing the slit facing to the inside
Iron the slash facing to the inside

I then fold the fly facing inwards at the seam and iron it in place. The lower, loose cutting edge of the facing is placed towards the cut edge of the front piece. Depending on the design, the front edge of the slit can now be stitched with contrasting yarn.

4. Neaten the cut edges

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - neatening the raw edges
Neaten cut edges

The round raw edge of the fly facing, the crotch seams of both front pieces, the front edge of the left front piece and the open edges of the pressed fly underlap are now finished. I use my overlock machine for this.

5. Sew on zipper on the right side

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - sew zipper turned to the left on the right front piece
sew zipper turned to the left onto the right front piece

The measurement of the required zipper length is noted in the instructions and on the pattern for the front piece. You can also determine it by measuring. It corresponds to the length at the front center from the clip to the upper edge minus 15 mm.

On the right front piece, I mark 8 mm from the front cutting edge and 15 mm from the top edge. I place the zipper tape right sides together at this marking (with the slider facing the right side of the fabric) and topstitch it on close to the edge.

Topstitch zipper attachment seam on front trousers

Then I fold the zipper over so that the right side is visible. I topstitch the seam narrow-edged on the front piece.

6. Connect the front pieces

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - joining front trouser parts
Joining front trouser parts

Now merge the two front pieces together. To do this, I lay the front pieces right sides together and sew the lower front seam together right up to the slit end with the seam width marked in the pattern.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper of jeans - pin the inseam of the front trousers together
Pin the crotch seam of the front trousers together
smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - ironing the inseam of the front trousers
Iron the inseam of the front trousers

I then stretch the seam allowance in the curve when ironing. The suture itself should not be stretched so much.

7. Sew on zipper on the left

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for fly with zipper on jeans - mark the center front on the right trouser component
mark the center front on the right trouser component

On the right front piece, I now draw the center front 7 mm parallel to the zipper line.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper of a pair of jeans - pin the center front
Tuck in the front center

I line up the left front edge with this line and pin it in place.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - pin zipper tape to slit facing
Pin the zipper tape to the fly piece

Then I turn the front pieces to the wrong side and pin the zipper to the facing. It is helpful to place a hand measure or ruler under the fly facing to avoid pinning the front piece.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - sewing zipper tape to the slit facing
Sew the zipper tape to the fly piece

I then sew on the zipper with a narrow edge distance. You can secure the ribbon with a second additional stitch.

8. Fly topstiching

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - marking the slit according to the template
Mark the course of the slot according to the template

Now I place the fly template on the left front piece and draw the slit.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on a pair of jeans - pinning the slit facing to the quilting line
Pin the slash facing to the quilting line

I pin the fly facing and front piece together.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper of jeans - design variations of the slit quilting
Design variants of the slit quilting

There are many options for designing the fly and the short inseam. The slit can be single or double-stitched, as can the short crotch seam below the slit. You can work with a cross or lengthwise bartack at the end of the slit. However, the latter is only done after the fly underlay has been attached.

9. Connect the fly underlay

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper of a jeans - attach underlap
Plug in the bottom step

From the inside, place the fly underlap over the fly facing and pin it to the seam allowance of the right front piece with the overlocked long edge.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - sew on underlap
Sew on the underlap

From the end of the slit to the top of the waistband edge, I sew the slit facing in place.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - joining slit bottom and facing at the bottom
Connect bottom slit and bottom facing

The bottom of the slit is connected to the slit facing with a short seam or bartack on the opposite side.

10. Fly bartack

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - zipping the end of the slit
Locking the slot ends

As described above, you can secure the end of the slit with a bartack. In this example, I have worked with a narrow zig-zag stitch with a stitch width of 1.5 mm and a stitch length of 0.4 mm. I tried out the stitch on a test piece before sewing it onto the pants.

11. Finished slit with zipper

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper on jeans - finished slit with open zipper
Finished slit with open zipper

And this is what the finished fly with zipper looks like.

smartPATTERN sewing instructions for slit with zipper for jeans - inside view of finished slit with zipper
Finished slit with zipper - inside view

Below you will find the link to the next step:

If you’re not quite ready yet and perhaps want to start at the beginning, you’ll find some links here: